Monday, September 1, 2014

How to write Articles and so on More Efficiently


How to Write articles and so on More Efficiently

All writers would like to be more efficient and increase their output without affecting its quality. To do this, however, you have to set your mind to it. If you really want to increase your output and maintain its quality, you have to have a plan. Writing fast is helpful, but you need much more. Indeed, one of the major things you need is organization. And for this I’d like to present a ten-step plan that I use, and I believe it is fairly effective. You may want to change it to satisfy your style or personality, but I think the basis behind it is relatively solid.

Step 1: Select a topic, and make sure it is one you have a strong interest in it. A passing interest is not enough.

Step 2: Start gathering the material you need to write the article using books, magazines, the internet and so on.

Step 3: Make appropriate notes. The act of making them helps implant the material in your head.

Step 4: Go through the notes carefully, reading them over. Use a pen or pencil to underline and star various sections.

Step 5: Make up an outline. At this stage it can be fairly sketchy, consisting mostly of topics. Don’t worry about it being perfect. Remember, it’s just a first outline.

Step 6: Expand the outline. Fill in regions between the topics you have listed. Continue doing this until you are satisfied it is a relatively good outline.

Step 7: Go through everything carefully in your mind then start writing. The important point here is to keep your pen moving (or your typewriter keys). Don’t worry about grammar, just keep going right through the entire article (or chapter of a book). It’s okay to try adding a little humor or color every so often, but don’t worry about it at this stage. Just write the way you talk; in fact you can think of yourself as talking it to a friend.

Step 8: Read it through and make all appropriate corrections so it is readable and reasonably smooth.

Step 9: Finally, give it the "extra touch" that makes it into a good article. Add

  1. Sparkle
  2. A personal touch
  3. Voice (yours)
  4. Emphasis, pizzas and so on.

Step 10: Set it aside for a couple of days. Read it again from a fresh point of view. Make needed changes.

A Few Extra Recommendations"

  1. Don’t procrastinate
  2. Set goals and look them over every so often
  3. Keep your enthusiasm high
  4. Enjoy what you are doing

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