Thursday, July 9, 2009

Find Your Writing Niche

Directing your book at "everyone" only works if you're a well-known writer or a celebrity, and this doesn't apply to many writers, and I'm assuming it doesn't apply to you. Your best bet, therefore, is to concentrate on a certain area, in other words: find a niche. Your niche will likely be something you're good at, and passionate about. Think about your qualifications and what you are really interested in as you decide on a niche. There are, of course, lots of possibilities. A list of a few is as follows:

Health and fitness
How to books
Children's books
Travel books

This is only a few of the numerous possibilities, and even for the above you will likely have to select a topic within it.

With a niche you have a ready-made audience; it may only be a small section of the overall population, but they're more likely to buy your book. Furthermore, as you write more and more about your specialty you'll become more and more of an expert, and people will look to you increasingly for the latest information on your topic.

So select a niche, sharpen your skills and go for it.