Thursday, May 13, 2010

What You Should Do Every Morning to make Sure You are Happy All Day

Everyone wants to be happy and one of the best ways to achieve it is to make sure you're happy one day at a time. This means that you have to start first thing in the morning to make sure you're happy all day. Start by thinking about the things that make you happy. Make a list of them. Everyone's list will, of course, be different, as there are many things that make people happy. I'll give you a list of about 20 things that I feel you should do every morning. It's unlikely you'll be able to do all of them, but it's worthwhile thinking about them, and doing as many as possible. I'm sure they'll make you feel better. Here's my list:

1. Start your morning off with 20 minutes of exercise. Exercise is good for everyone; it helps get your blood flowing and it works out some of the stiffness you developed overnight. Pilates exercises are particularly good (in them you lie on your back and move your arms and legs). Walking is also great, particularly if you have a tread mill.

2. Affirmations and pep talks can set the stage for a great day. Affirmations are words or phrases you repeat to yourself throughout the day. Something simple like, "I'm going to be happy all day." Of course you have to make sure you are saying it with conviction and believe it.

3. Look into the mirror while you are washing and smile, and when I say "smile", I mean really smile. Remember that if you act happy, you will be happy.

4. Count your blessings. Too many people fail to do this, but you should do it every day. Think about all the good things that have happened to you lately, and the good luck that has come your way (admit it now, there has to be some). Think about your health (assuming it is good), your family, the freedoms you experience, your financial security (assuming you have it). And always remember even if you don't have some of these things, you could be a lot worse off.

5. Don't think about what you don't have; think about what you do have. Some people spend most of their time wishing they had more. They're sure they need a new car, a new house, and all the new electonic gadgets. Sure, they would be nice, but appreciate what you have, and be thankful for it.

6. Fix yourself up each morning. Shave, put on your makeup and so on. If you look good, you feel good. And don't worry if you're having a bad hair day.

7. Do whatever you can to build up your self-confidence. You need to be self-confident if you are to feel your best. So concentrate on your strengths and forget about any failures you may have had. Think about your positive features.

8. This leads us to those ugly "negative thoughts" that are always cropping up. Don't let them squeeze their way into your mind. Fight them the moment they appear, and the best way to do this is substitute a positive thought for them. Have some positive thoughts ready at all times. Negative thoughts can do a lot of damage.

9. Ah ...Relaxation. Yes, relax and stay relaxed. Nothing makes you feel better than being completely relaxed. This means getting rid of all tensions. Tension tends to accumulate in the shoulders, neck and jaw. Shake them up, twist them around until you get rid of it. Meditation is also very helpful, and music can also help a lot. Just sit back and let it flow over you.

10. Negative thoughts and tension always lead to worry, and worry is something you definitely don't need. Crowd it out of your mind as soon as it enters.

11. It's also important to begin your day by eating a hearty breakfast. People sometimes think they lose weight if they skip breakfast, but this rarely happens. You need an energy boost to get you going first thing in the morning. Many people do not like oatmeal, but it's a good way to get you going in the morning, and besides -- it will lower your cholesterol. Anyway, eat what you would like as long as it is nutritious.

12. Every morning you should resolve to "live for today." Enjoy the upcoming day, and live it to its fullest. Don't worry about mistakes and problems that occurred in the past, or the uncertain future. Sure, you should have goals for the future -- they're important -- but don't worry about the future -- look forward to it.

13. Savor life's joys. In other words: take time to enjoy the little things. Enjoy the sunrise in the morning, breath the fresh air, and as the old saying goes "stop to smell the roses."

14. And of particular importance: Resolve to do no complaining, no blaming, no thoughts of revenge, no fighting, no bad feelings against anybody, and don't criticize anyone throughout the day.

15. Remember that friends help you feel good. Interact with as many as possible during the day. Talk to them. Laugh with them. Compliment them.

16. Don't think "I'll be happy when ..." This could be completed with: When I graduate, when I get married, when I retire, and so on. You can't put happiness off; you have to be happy now.

17. Accept the fact that happiness is up to you, and only you can make it happen. This means you have to work at it. So resolve to work at it.

18. Do what you enjoy. I enjoy writing and am (almost) always happy when I'm writing, even if I'm not saying very much that is important. If you love painting -- do it. If you love playing a musical instrument -- do it. It will make you feel better.

19. Buying a lottery ticket that is a long shot (in other words, it pays millions) is usually a waste of money, and I don't normally recommend it. But I always remember the fun I had when I bought one, thinking about what I would do with all the money if I won. Of course, I didn't really expect to win, but it was fun thinking about it. Try to imagine the euphoria you would have if you did win, and savor it.

20. And last but not least, make up a list such as the one above and pin it on the wall where you can see it every day. It doesn't have to include everything on my list, but whatever it contains -- memorize it and use the things on it as affirmations.

No one can guarantee you'll be happy every day, but if you start out each morning with such a list and take it to heart you'll be happier than you would be otherwise.